
New MAC Lippies: Please Me and Faux

On my previous MAC Kinda Sexy post, I mentioned setting my eyes on more MAC lipsticks. Today I'll share with you guys my two new MAC lipstick purchases (YAAAYY!!!). They are Please Me and Faux.

Faux is described by MAC as a muted mauve-pink, which is quite spot on. It has a satin formulation. Please Me, on the other hand, is said to be a muted-rosy-tinted pink. I would personally describe it as a muted-raspberry pink. It is of matte formulation.

(L) Faux, Please Me (R)

I'll be posting the full review of Faux soon, while you can read Please Me's review here. :D These lipsticks are currently Php 1000 each here in the Philippines. I got these specifically at MAC Trinoma.

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