
Long Time No Post ~

Hi everyone! It's been a loooong time since my last post. Well, because a LOT -- like a loooooooooot has happened these past few months. First off, I got engaged. <3 And then got MARRIED a while after. <3 <3 <3

Back in the province, I used the personal computer for blogging and surfing the world wide web, and some gaming, lol. Because I left my broken macbook at Powermac Trinoma and didn't bother having it fixed til I eventually had to go back home. So when hubby and I returned to Manila, I was left without a personal computer or a laptop. It's somehow a miracle actually that I survived all this time without my laptop... thanks to my smartphone. But even with a great smartphone it's not quite possible to write decent posts, upload photos and all. So until I have my laptop repairedo (hopefully very soon) or buy a new one, I might be on hiatus mode. *sobs*

Ooh, but there's one more thing... WE'RE EXPECTING! :) <3 We found out last November, and my due date is on July 5. From being engaged to becoming a wife! I was still getting used to the idea, until the news arrived and now I'm pregnant, and soon to be a mom! Everything's still kind of hard to take in, but this growing belly of mine makes this reality a lot easier to grasp. :)

So wish me luck ladies, and let's talk soon. Ciao!

Posted via Blogaway

1 comment:

  1. Congrats! Take a lot of car and eat healthy!




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